C++ floating point types : float , double , long double , a tutorial

mohamad wael
40 min readMar 1, 2021


The floating point types in C++ are :

long double

They are fundamental types, as such they have a mapping to the hardware of a computing machine , so they are as fast , as the machine is capable of performing the computation .

The floating point types in C++ , are used to represent numbers which can possibly have a fractional part . For example 1or 1.2.

The C++ standard , does not specify , the floating point algorithm to be used , this is left to the implementation , but what is typically used , by all implementations , is the IEEE floating point format .

What is precision , range , and rounding ?

Precision , is defined , as how many leading 0s exists in the result of the subtraction , of a number desired to be represented , from the number being actually represented .

Range , is defined , as the possible values , of the available actual numbers , which can be used to represent , a desired number .

Rounding is defined , as the calculated difference , between the desired number , and the actual number .

For example , if the number to be represented is 3.723, but the range consist only of one number , which is 3.73, then the precision is 3.723 - 3.73 = -0.007, which amounts to a precision of three digits , and the rounding is equal to -0.007.

This being said , if adding only to the precision digits , assuming that the number which is added has no rounding , rounding is unaffected, as such precision is unaffected . To give an example :

number to be represented   : 3.723
actual number represented : 3.73
rounding :-0.007
precision digits : 3

# add a number only to precision digits
# so the rounding is not affected
+ 0.09

+ 0.09

- 3.82

Subtracting using only the precision digits , assuming that the number being subtracted , has no rounding , does not affect rounding , as such does not affect precision . For example :

number to be represented   : 3.723
actual number represented : 3.73
rounding :-0.007
precision digits : 3

# subtract a number which is not
# rounded , only from precision
# digits so rounding is not affected
- 0.09

- 0.09

- 3.64

Multiplication , and division , will affect rounding anyhow , and hence precision .

number to be represented   : 3.723
actual number represented : 3.73
rounding :-0.007
precision digits : 3

# multiplication by a number beside 0 or 1
* 2

* 2

- 7.46
# The precision is now of 2 digits ,
# and the rounding is of 0.014

Precision and range in the C++ standard

The C++ standard , does not define the precision and range , that floating point types must have . This is left for the implementation to decide . What it does define , in order to be compliant with the Cstandard , is some minimal values , such as epsilon, which is the difference between 1, and the smallest floating point number larger than 1, and which must be for example , for the floattype , FLT_EPSILON, which is equal to 1E-5.

The standard also states , that a floatmust have a range and a precision less or equal todouble, which itself must have a range and a precision , less or equal to long double .

Most implementations , use the IEEE 754 standard , for floating point definition , as such the range and precision of values , is as follows .

AnIEEEbinary floating point number , has the following representation : S * M * 2^E.

Srepresents , the sign . The sign is represented in IEEEby using a single bit , which can be either 0, which represents the +sign , or 1, which represents the -sign .

So in decimal Scan be thought of , as being -1^S, which is either (-1)^0which is equal to 1, or (-1)^1, which is equal to -1.

Mis called the mantissa , or the significant , and it has a varying number of bits , depending if the IEEEfloating point number , is what is called a single precision floating point number , or a double precision floating point number , or a quadruple precision floating point number .

For single precision floating point numbers , which maps to the C++floattype , the standard , allocates 23binary significant bits .

For double precision floating point numbers , which maps to the C++doubletype , the numbers of binary mantissa bits allocated by the standard , are 52 bits.

For quadruple precision floating point numbers , which maps to the C++long double , the number of binary significant bits allocated by the standard , are 112. In practice long doubleis actually implemented , by using the IEEE extended precision format , which states that the significant , must have at least 63bits . Intel uses 64bits .

A floating point number , can be written in one of two forms : Normalized or denormalized . Denormalized is also known as subnormal .

In normalized , it is assumed , that there is an additional leading binary digit , which is always set to 1.

To illustrate this matter , float, the single precision floating point number , can be taken as an example . When in normalized form , instead of only having 23significant digits , with the assumed leading 1bit , a single precision floating point number actually has 24bits .

When all these bits are set to1, the max value that can be stored is :1 + 2^-1 + 1 * 2^-2 + ... + 1 * 2^-23. which is equal to 1 + 1/2 + 1/4 + 1/8 + ... + 1/8'388'608, which is equal to 1 + 2^22 / 2^23 + 2^21 / 2^23 + 2^20 / 2^23 ... + 2^0 /2^23 which is equal to 1 + 8'388'607 / 8'388'608 which is equal to 16'777'215 / 8'388'608.

The other available range values , are as such : 1 + setting bits of the significant to 1. For example 1 + 2^-1, yield the number 1.5, 1 + 2^-2yield the number 1.25...

Taking into consideration the leading sign bit , the maximum and minimum range values are :- 16'777'215 / 8'388'608 and 16'777'215 / 8'388'608. Other range values are : -1.25 , 1.5, and 1.75...

Range values have full precision , meaning , if a desired number is to be represented using a value in the range , then the rounding is of 0.

ConcerningE, or the exponent , it has a variable number of bits , depending on the IEEEfloating point format , being used .

For what is called single precision floating point format , there are 8bits reserved for the exponent .

For what is called , double precision format, there are 11bits reserved for the exponent .

For what is called , quadruple precision format , there are 15bits reserved for the exponent . The extended format , specifies , that at least 15bits must be reserved for the exponent .

Iffloat, is to be taken as an example , the max value of the exponent is as such 2^8 - 1 . Hence 2can only be raised to exponents between 0and 255, which means if exponent is used as is , then it is only possible to use positive values , of the exponent .

But , what is actually wanted , is to have negative values of the exponent , and values to be used for special purposes , such as : denormalized form , or other cases . As such the IEEE standard , reserved the two special case of having all bits of exponents set to 0, or to 1, for the special purposes .

To have negative values of the exponent , in normalized form , the standard introduced the concept of bias.

Bias is simply the max value of the exponent , divided by 2, and only the integer part is kept . Hence for 8bits , the max value of the exponent is 255, and the bias is the integer division of 255by 2, which is equal to 127.

Having bias in hands , and to get negative values for the exponent , the only road of action , is to subtract the possible values of the exponent , which are between 1and 254, since all 0, and all1are reserved for special purposes , from the bias . This leads to having an exponent , which can have values between-126, and 127, for single precision floating point numbers , in normalized form .

This being said , the min exponent value in normalized form , is as such -126, and the max exponent value in normalized form is 127. So when raising 2to the power of these exponents , it can have values of :... 2^-3 2^-2 2^-1 2^0 2^1 2^2 2^3 ... , which is equal to ...1/8 1/4 1/2 1 2 4 8 ... . Hence the smallest power of two , that can be gotten in normalized form is 2^-126, which is equal to 1/85070591730234615865843651857942052864, and the largest power of two , that can be gotten in normalized form , is 2^127, which is equal to 170141183460469231731687303715884105728.

This being said , range has just got broader . The max range value that can be gotten in normalized form , is as such :16777215/8388608 * 170141183460469231731687303715884105728, which is equal to :340282346638528859811704183484516925440, which is :3.4028235 E+38, and the closest value to 0is as such : 1 * 1/85070591730234615865843651857942052864 , which is equal to :1.1754944E-38.

When exponent bits are all set to 1, and the significant bits are all zero , then , by the standard , this represents an infinite value , which can be , negative infinity , if the sign bit is 1, or positive infinity , if the sign bit is 0.

When exponent bits are all set to 1, and any significant bit is not set to 0, by the standard , this represents a not a number value , like for example , adding positive and negative infinity , yields a not a number .

When exponent bits are all set to 0, then the significant bits are in a denormalized form , so there is no leading assumed binary 1bit , and the number of significant digits , are precisely the number specified by the standard .

The exponent being all set to 0, this means that it must have a fixed value , which is equal to 1 - bias , where bias as stated earlier , is the max value of the exponent bits , divided by 2, and the fractional part discarded .

Takingfloatas an example , in denormalized form , the exponent has a fixed value of 1 - ( 255 / 2 ) = 1 - 127 = -126 . This means that for a float , when in a denormalized form , the closest value to 0is 2^-23 * 2^-126which is equal to 2^-149which is equal to 1/713623846352979940529142984724747568191373312.

The question , why the range does not contain this denormalized value , as being the closest one to zero , is answered by , because usually a denormalized form has a performance cost , and processors are set to truncate , a subnormal form to 0.

Just a quick note , for Intel microprocessors , when the floating point format is the extended one , the leading bit is not assumed , but all what was talked about in this section , remains the same . So the principle for IEEE floating point format , is the same .

Floating point literals

Floating point literals can be written either in decimal , or in hexadecimal notation .

When written in decimal notation , they can be written either in scientific or regular decimal notation.

Scientific notation can be more compact to use , in certain circumstances , for example 1E12, is clearer , and more compact , than 1000000000000.0. If , it is still preferred not to use the scientific format , and to make things clearer , a single quote ', can be used to separate any kind of numbers in C++, hence the earlier example , can be rewritten as 1'000'000'000'000.0or as 1'0000'0000'0000.0.

By default a floating point number literal , is of type double, if suffixed with an f, case insensitive , it is of type float, and if suffixed by an l, case insensitive , it is of type long double. It is not necessary for a floating point literal , to be stored exactly as written .

The syntax for writing decimal floating point is :


Where dis any digit between 0-9, +means one or more , *means zero or more , what is between []is optional , and eis case insensitive , and means an exponent of the number 10. For example :

double var_d;
var_d = 1. ;
var_d = .1 ;
var_d = 1.0 ;
var_d = 1e1 ;
var_d = 1.e1 ;
var_d = 1.1e1 ;
var_d = .1e1 ;

A floating point literal , can also be written in hexadecimal , using the following notation :


Where 0xis case insensitive , and stands for hexadecimal , his an hexadecimal digit between 0-F, +means one or more , what is between []is optional , *means zero or more , and Pis case insensitive , and means 2to the power p, and dis one or more digits between 0-9 . As an example :

double var_d ;
var_d = 0xfP0; // 15.0
var_d = 0Xf.P0; // 15.0
var_d = 0xf.0P0; // 15.0
var_d = 0X.1P0; // 1/16 = 0.062500
var_d = 0x.1p1; // (1/16) * 2 = 0.125000

Printing floating points

To print floating point literals , printffromC, or coutfrom C++can be used .

When using printf, a format specifier must be provided , and a length modifier can optionally be prepended , to the format specifier .

As such to convert a floator a doublenumber , to a character string in decimal notation ,%fmust be used . As for long double,%Lfmust be used , where Lmust be capital . Lis called the length modifier , and fis called the format specifier .

If it is desirable to convert a floator a double, to a character string in scientific notation , then %ecan be used forfloat, and double, as forlong double %Lemust be used , whereLis capital .

If it is desirable , to let printf decides if the f, or eformat specifiers are to be used , then %gcan be used .%gdoes not output a trailing decimal point , or trailing zeroes .

If it is desirable , to print the exponent in capital letter, then capital E, or capital G, are to be used .

When printing a floating point number using printf, the default number of digits shown is 6. For %for %e, the count starts after the decimal point .

For%g, there is an algorithm to decide the number of digits to be shown after the decimal point , and if %for %eshould be used .

The algorithm is as follows . The number is first written in scientific form . For example1'43'21'2is written as 1.43212 * 10^5.

Given the set number of digits to be shown , the default being 6, and if set to 0, then it is assumed to be 1, the number of digits to be shown is compared with the resultant power of writing the number in scientific form .

If it is larger than the gotten power , and the gotten power is larger or equal to -4, then the number is written using %f, and the number of digits to be shown after the decimal point , is the set number of digits to be shown minus one , minus the gotten power .

So for 1'43'21'2, assuming the default number of digits to be shown is 6,6is larger than 5, which is the power gotten for writing this number in scientific form , 5is larger than-4, hence the number is displayed using %f, and the number of digits after the decimal point to be shown is6 - 1 - 5 = 0, so 1'43'21'2is displayed as143212.

Otherwise , the number is displayed using%e, and the number of digits to be shown after the decimal point , is the set number of digits , minus one .

To specify the number of digits, the length modifier can be preceded by.n, where nis to be replaced by the desired number of digits to be shown .

#include <stdio.h>

int main (void ){

printf ("%f\n" , 123'456'789'123'456'789.0 );
/* %f is used , the number of digits
to be shown is not set , hence the
default number of digits to be shown
after the decimal point is 6 .
Output :
123456789123456784.000000 */

printf ("%e\n" , 123'456'789'123'456'789.0 );
/* %e is used , the number is to
be written in scientific form ,
and only six decimal digits
are to be shown after the decimal
point . Hence
the output is :
1.234568e+17 */

printf ("%.8E\n" , 1'234'56789.0 );
/* %E is used , hence the number is
to be displayed in scientific
format , and exponent is to be
capitalized .
The number of digits to
be shown after the decimal point
is set to 8 , hence what is
displayed :
1.23456789e+17 */

printf ("%G\n" , 123.23467 );
/* %G is used , the default number
of digits to be shown is 6 .
First 123.23467 , is written in
scientific format as
1.2323467 * 10^2 , so the power is
2 .
6 > 2 > -4 , hence %F is to be
used , and the number of digits
to be shown after the decimal
point are 6 - 1 - 2 = 3
As such the result is :
123.235 */

printf ("%g\n" , 1'232'346.7 );
/* %g is used . Hence first the
number is written in
scientific notation as
1.2323467 * 10^6 .
6 = 6 > -4 , so what must be
used is %e , and the number
of digits to be shown
after the decimal point are
6 - 1 = 5 , hence the output
is :
1.23235e+06 */

printf ("%f\n" , 1'234'56.0 );

printf ("%g\n" , 1'234'56.0 );
/* %g , or %G , do not output
trailing decimal point or 0's
123456 */ }

To convert floating point numbers , to a string of hexadecimal characters , the format specifiers a, or A, can be used , where Awill output capital case characters , and awill output lowercase characters .

#include <stdio.h>

int main (void ){
printf ("%a\n" , 1'123.0 );
// 0x1.18cp+10
printf ("%A\n" , 1'123.0 );
/* 0X1.18CP+10 */ }

In addition to printfwhich prints the formatted characters to standard output ,fprintfcan be used to print the formatted characters to a file , and sprintfcan be used to store the formatted characters into a buffer , which is just a memory area of typechar.

snprintfcan be used for preventing buffer overflow , by limiting the number of characters to be stored in the buffer .

printf_s, fprintf_s, sprintf_s,snprintf_sare just the same functions , but with just some additional error handling .

When using cout,to convert floating point numbers to characters , the default number of output digits , is 6. and the output default format is defaultfloat.

Basically defaultfloat, counts both the digits before , and after the decimal point , as being part of the number of digits displayed . When the number of digits is larger than the one set , rounding and exponential notation might occur .

Usingscientific, scientific output format can be set , in scientificformat , only the digits after the decimal points are counted , the exponential notation is always used , and rounding might occur .

Usingfixed, fixed output format could be set . In fixedformat , only digits are used for output , and only the digits after the decimal point are counted . When the number to be displayed , has a larger number of digits , then the set one , rounding occurs .

Using hexfloat, the floating point number is converted to its hexadecimal floating point number format , the one described earlier in floating point literals .

#include <iostream>
#include <iomanip>

int main (void ){

std ::cout << std ::cout .precision ( ) << std ::endl ;
/* Get the set number of digits for output
Output :
6 .*/

std ::cout << 1'234'567.0 << std ::endl;
/* By default std ::defaultfloat is
set , hence the output format
counts the digits before , and after
the decimal point . The number
of digits to output is 6 ,
hence rounding occurs based
on the seventh digit , and exponential
notation is used .
Output :
1.23457e+06 */

std ::cout << 1.0 << std ::endl;
/* 1 */

std ::cout << std ::scientific;
/* Set the output format to scientific .*/

std ::cout << 1'234'567.0 << std ::endl;
/* When output format is set to scientific ,
only the digits after the decimal points
are counted , hence six decimal digits
after the decimal point are represented ,
no rounding occurs , as in the
defaultfloat case .
Output :
1.234567e+06 */

std ::cout << 1.0 << std ::endl;
/* Output :
1.000000e+00 */

std ::cout << std ::fixed;
/* Set the output format to fixed */

std ::cout << 1'234'567.0 << std ::endl;
/* Output format being fixed , only digits are
used for the output , the number of digits
is counted starting after the decimal point .
Output :
1234567.000000 */

std ::cout << 1.0 << std ::endl;
/* Output :
1.000000 */

std ::cout << std ::hexfloat;
/* Set output format to hexadecimal float .*/

std ::cout << 1'234'567.0 << std ::endl;
/* Output :
0x1.2d687p+20 */

std ::cout << 1.0 << std ::endl;
/* Output
0x1p+0 */}

The default number of digits to be printed , can be set and gotten , using precision

#include <iostream>

int main (void ){
std ::cout << std ::cout .precision ( ) << std ::endl;
/* Get the number of digits to display .
Output :
6 */

std ::cout << 123456.0 << std ::endl;
/* Number of digits to display is 6 ,
std ::defaultfloat is used by
default , hence numbers before , and
after the decimal point are counted .
Output :
123456 */

std ::cout .precision (3 );
/* Set the number of digits to display to 3 */

std ::cout << 123456.0 << std ::endl;
/* The number of digits to display is
set to 3 . defaultfloat is being
used , hence digits before and after
the decimal point , are counted
Output :
1.23e+05 */ }

The advantages ofcoutover the printffamily is that coutis type aware , so there is no need to specify any type .

The problem with cout, is that it is not really nice to use , when formatting strings , like printfis . To remedy this problem , the C++ 20standard , introduced the headerformat, which defines text formatting functions and classes .

Theformatfunction , which is part of the C++ 20formatheader , can be used as sprintf, to get formatted strings. As of march 2021, this header is not yet implemented by any compiler .

#include <format>
#include <iostream>

int main ( ){
double var_d = 1234567.0;

std ::cout << std ::format ("{0 } , {0:f } {0:e } {0:g }" , var_d );
/* 0 is the index of the argument , in this case , there is only
1 , which is var_d .
f , is the fixed format talked about earlier .
e , is the exponential format , talked about earlier .
g , is the general format , which is the defaultfloat , talked about earlier */ }

The headers climits , cfloat and limits

Meta information about numbers , can be gotten using the headers : climits, cfloatand limits.

Theclimitsand the cfloatheaders originate in theCstandard , where they are named : limits, and float.

Theclimitsheader can be used to get meta information about integer types. For example , for a given machine , what are the min and max values of an int, or of an unsigned long, or what is the number of bits in a char.

#include <iostream>
#include <cstdio>
#include <climits>

int main (void ){
std:: cout << INT_MIN << std:: endl;
// -2147483648
std:: cout << INT_MAX << std:: endl;
// 2147483647
printf ("%d\n" , CHAR_BIT );
/* 8 */ }

Thecfloatheader contains meta information , related to floating point implementation , such as the min or max value , offloat, or of double ..

#include <iostream>
#include <cfloat>

int main (void ){

std ::cout <<FLT_MAX <<" : float range , absolute value \n";
/* For double DBL_MAX can be used , and for long double ,
LDB_MAX can be used .
Output :
3.40282e+38 : float range , absolute value */

std ::cout <<FLT_MIN <<" : float closest value to 0 normalized \n";
/* For double and long double , DBL_MIN ,
and LDBL_MIN can be used .
Output :
1.175494e-38 : float closest value to 0 normalized */

std ::cout <<FLT_TRUE_MIN <<" : float closest value to 0 denormalized \n";
/* For double , and long double ,
can be used .
This macro does not seem to be supported
on some compilers .
Output :
1.4013e-45: float closest value to 0 denormalized .*/

std ::cout <<FLT_MANT_DIG <<" . float number mantissa digits \n";
/* Display the number of binary digits of the mantissa in
normalized form .
For double , and long double , DBL_MANT_DIG ,
and LDBL_MANT_DIG can be used .
Output :
24 : float number mantissa digits : */

std ::cout <<FLT_DIG
<<" : float mantissa digits , map to : "
<<" FLT_DIG decimal digits"
<<std ::endl;
/* This is just , how mantissa digits in
denormalized form , so without assuming
an implicit one , map to decimal digits .
For example , float has 23 mantissa digits ,
in denormalized form , this maps to 23 multiplied
by log of 2 to the 10th base , which is
equal to ~ 6 .
How come this formula ? Simply put , since
what is needed , is the corresponding number of
digits , when passing from base 2 to base 10 ,
the question to ask is , how many each digit
of base 2 , maps to digits in base 10 .
The answer is logarithm in base 10 of 2 , which
is how many digits 2 , yield in base 10 .
Logarithm of 2 , to the base 10 , is around
0.30101299 , which means that 10 raised to
this power yield 1.999921687556491 .
Having how each digit in base 2 , maps to a digit
in base 10 , multiplying this by
the number of digits in base 2 ,
yields the number of
digits in base 10 , which is
23 multiplied by ~ 0.3010299 , which is
equal to about 6.923689900271567 ,
which is about 6 digits , or 10
to the power 6 .
For double , and long double , DBL_DIG ,
and LDBL_DIG can be used .
Output :
6 . float mantissa digits , map to : FLT_DIG decimal digits */

std ::cout <<FLT_MAX_EXP
<<" : float largest positive power of 2 plus one \n";
/* Outputs the value of the floating point
number , max positive power of 2 , plus one .
For double , and long double ,
can be used .
Output :
128 : float largest positive power of 2 plus one */

std ::cout <<FLT_MAX_10_EXP
<<" : float largest positive power of 10 \n";
/* Having from earlier , the largest positive
power plus one , of 2 , for a floating point
number , FLT_MAX_10_EXP provides the max
power of 10 .
DBL_MAX_10_EXP , and LDBL_MAX_10_EXP ,
can be used to get the values
for double , and long double .
Output :
38 : float largest positive power of 10 */

std ::cout <<FLT_MIN_EXP
<<" : float , smallest negative power of two plus one \n";
/* Output the value of the floating point
number , least negative power of two ,
plus one .
For double , and long double , DBL_MIN_EXP ,
and LDBL_MIN_EXP can be used .
Output ;
-125 : float , smallest negative power of two plus one */

std ::cout <<FLT_MIN_10_EXP
<<" : float , smallest negative power of 10 \n";
/* Having the least negative power of
two for a floating point number ,
FLT_MIN_10_EXP ,provides the
least negative power of 10 .
can be used to get the values
for double , and long double .
Output :
-37 : float , smallest negative power of 10 */

std ::cout <<FLT_RADIX
<<" : float base is \n";
/* The base of the floating point type .
For double , and long double ,
used .
Output :
2 : float base is */

std ::cout <<FLT_EPSILON
<<" : float FLT_EPSILON value is \n";
/* Returns the difference between one
, and the smallest floating point
number , larger than one .
Output :
1.19209e-07 : float FLT_EPSILON value is */

std ::cout <<FLT_HAS_SUBNORM
<<" : float FLT_HAS_SUBNORM supports denormalized values \n";
/* FLT_HAS_SUBNORM , will return 1 , if
float supports denormalized values ,
0 if float does not support denormalized
values , and -1 , if this cannot be
determined .
can be used for double , and long double
types .
This macro does not seem to be supported
by compilers .
Should output :
1 : float FLT_HAS_SUBNORM supports denormalized values */

std ::cout <<FLT_EVAL_METHOD
<<" : floating point types eval method is FLT_EVAL_METHOD\n";
/* Returns the floating point types eval method .
means arithmetic operations are performed by promoting
the operands to the long double type .
means arithmetic operations are performed by promoting
the operands to long double , if any operand is of the
long double type ,
otherwise operands are promoted to the double type ,
even if both operands are of the float type .
means arithmetic operations are done in the
type of the widest operand .
means it is indeterminable
Output :
0 : floating point types eval method is FLT_EVAL_METHOD */

std ::cout <<FLT_ROUNDS
<<" : floating point types round mode is FLT_ROUNDS\n";
/* returning the floating point types rounding mode ,
rounding is done in binary .
means it cannot be determined .
means rounding is performed towards
0 . For example -1.2 will be rounded
to -1 , and 1.2 to 1 .
means rounding is performed to the nearest
value , when in between , rounding is done
towards even . For example -1.2 , is rounded
to -1 , -1.8 to -2 , and -1.5 to -2 .
means round towards positive infinity .
For example -1.2 rounds towards -1 ,
and 1.2 to 2 .
means round towards negative infinity .
For example , -1.2 rounds to -2 , and
1.2 to 1 .
Output :
1 : floating point types round mode is FLT_ROUNDS */ }

Thelimitsheader defined by the C++ standard , contains the numeric_limitsclass . The numeric_limitsclass can be used to get meta information , related to both the integral , and floating point types . All the information in both climits, andcfloat, can be gotten using numeric_limits, plus additional information .

#include <limits>
#include <iostream>

int main (void ){
std ::cout <<std ::numeric_limits <float > ::min ( ) <<std ::endl;
/* For floating point types , min is the closest value
to 0 , this corresponds to FLT_MIN in the cfloat
header .
Output :
1.17549e-38 */

std ::cout <<std ::numeric_limits <int > ::min ( ) <<std ::endl;
/* For integer types , this is the smallest negative value .
Output :
-2147483648 */

std ::cout <<std ::numeric_limits <float > ::lowest ( )
<<" : "
<<std ::numeric_limits <float > ::max ( )
<<std ::endl;
/* For floating point type , max provides
the same result as FLT_MAX , lowest is just
max multiplied by -1 .
-3.40282e+38 : 3.40282e+38.*/

std ::cout <<std ::numeric_limits <int > ::lowest ( )
<<" : "
<<std ::numeric_limits <int > ::max ( )
<<std ::endl;
/* For integer types , lowest , and min are the same ,
which is , the smallest negative value , max is the
largest positive value representable in this
integer type .
-2147483648 : 2147483647 */

std ::cout <<std ::numeric_limits <float > ::digits
<<" : "
<<std ::numeric_limits <float > ::digits10
<<std ::endl;
/* digits is the same as FLT_MANT_DIG , whereas
digits10 is the same as FLT_DIG .
Output :
24 : 6 */

std ::cout <<std ::numeric_limits <int > ::digits
<<" : "
<<std ::numeric_limits <int > ::digits10
<<std ::endl;
/* For integer types digits output , the number
of bits allocated , minus the number of sign
bits or padding bits , and
digits10 , how digits map
to decimal digits .
Output :
31 : 9 */

std ::cout <<std ::numeric_limits <float > ::min_exponent
<<" : "
<<std ::numeric_limits <float > ::min_exponent10
<<std ::endl;
/* For floating point types , min_exponent is
the same as FLT_MIN_EXP , and
min_exponent10 is the same as FLT_MIN_10_EXP .
Output :
-125 : -37 */

std ::cout <<std ::numeric_limits <int > ::min_exponent
<<" : "
<<std ::numeric_limits <int > ::min_exponent10
<<std ::endl;
/* For integer types , min_exponent
and min_exponent10 return 0 .
Output :
0 : 0 */

std ::cout <<std ::numeric_limits <float > ::max_exponent
<<" : "
<<std ::numeric_limits <float > ::max_exponent10
<<std ::endl;
/* For floating point types , max_exponent is
the same as FLT_MAX_EXP , and
max_exponent10 is the same as FLT_MAX10_EXP .
Output :
128 : 38 */

std ::cout <<std ::numeric_limits <int > ::max_exponent
<<" : "
<<std ::numeric_limits <int > ::max_exponent10
<<std ::endl;
/* For integer types , max_exponent ,
and max_exponent10 return 0 .
0 : 0 */

std ::cout <<std ::numeric_limits <float > ::radix <<std ::endl;
/* For floating point types , radix is the
same as FLT_RADIX , which is the floating
point type , digits , base .
Output :
2 .*/

std ::cout <<std ::numeric_limits <int > ::radix <<std ::endl;
/* For integer types , this is the base for the
digits .
Output :
2 .*/

std ::cout <<std ::numeric_limits <float > ::epsilon ( ) <<std ::endl;
/* For floating point numbers , this is
or LDBL_EPSILON , depending on if
std ::numeric_limits <float > ::epsilon ( ) , or
std ::numeric_limits <double > ::epsilon ( ) , or
std ::numeric_limits <long double > ::epsilon ( )
are used .
Output :
1.19209e-07 */

std ::cout <<std ::numeric_limits <int > ::epsilon ( ) <<std ::endl;
/* For integer types , this results in 0
Output :
0 */

std ::cout <<std ::numeric_limits <float > ::round_style <<std ::endl;
/* round_style returns the rounding style , used
by this numeric type . rounding is done in
binary .
The rounding style can be one of the values ,
defined in the enum float_round_style , which
is part of the limits header .
round_indeterminate , which has a value of
-1 , means that the rounding style cannot be
determined .
round_toward_zero , which has a value of 0 :
for example -1.2 is rounded towards -1 ,
and 1.2 is rounded towards 1 .
integral types usually have this mode .
round_to_nearest , which has a value of 1 :
for example -1.2 is rounded towards -1 ,
and -1.7 is rounded towards -2 whereas
half way cases are rounded towards even ,
so -1.5 is rounded to -2 , and 1.5 is
rounded to 2 .
Floating point types , usually have
this rounding mode .
round_toward_infinity , which has a value of
2 :
for example -1.2 is rounded to -1 ,
and 1.2 is rounded towards 2 .
round_toward_neg_infinity , which has a value
of 3 .
for example -1.2 is rounded to -2 ,
and 1.2 is rounded to 1 .
Output :
1 .
Hence the rounding style for float is
round to the nearest on this machine .*/

std ::cout <<std ::numeric_limits <int > ::round_style <<std ::endl;
/* Print the rounding mode for int ,
integral types usually round toward
0 , which is the round_toward_zero
mode , which has a value of 0 .
Output :
0 */

std ::cout <<std ::numeric_limits <float > ::round_error ( ) <<std ::endl;
/* Returns the largest possible rounding error
which depending on the rounding mode , can be
for example 0.5 when rounding to the nearest ,
or 1 when rounding towards 0 .
Output :
0.5 */

std ::cout <<std ::numeric_limits <int > ::round_error ( ) <<std ::endl;
/* For integral types , round_error returns 0
Output :
0 */

std ::cout <<std ::numeric_limits <float > ::has_denorm <<std ::endl;
/* has_denorm , returns an enum value , of type
float_denorm_style , which indicates ,
if the type supports , denormalized
form .
denorm_indeterminate has a value of - 1 ,
this indicates that it cannot be determined
whether or not the type supports
denormalized form .
denorm_absent which has a value of 0 ,
indicates , that the type does not support
denormalized form . integral types
usually do not support denormalized
style .
denorm_present which has a value of 1 ,
indicates , that the type support
denormalized form , floating point types
usually support denormalized form .
float_denorm_style is part of the limits
header .
Output :
1 */

std ::cout <<std ::numeric_limits <int > ::has_denorm <<std ::endl;
/* For integral types , has_denorm usually
returns 0 , which is false .
Output :
0 */

std ::cout <<std ::numeric_limits <float > ::denorm_min ( ) <<std ::endl;
/* denorm_min , returns the smallest
possible denormalized value , which is
for float : 2^-149 .
1.4013e-45 */

std ::cout <<std ::numeric_limits <int > ::denorm_min ( ) <<std ::endl;
/* denorm_min , returns 0 for integral
types */

std ::cout <<std ::numeric_limits <float > ::has_infinity <<std ::endl;
/* has_infinity returns true , if a type supports
infinity , this is true for floating point types ,
and false for integral types .
Output :
1 */

std ::cout <<std ::numeric_limits <int > ::has_infinity <<std ::endl;
/* Check if the int type has infinity ,
Output :
0 */

std ::cout <<std ::numeric_limits <float > ::infinity ( ) <<std ::endl;
/* infinity returns for floating point types ,
the value positive infinity , and for
integral types , it returns 0
Output :
inf */

std ::cout <<std ::numeric_limits <int > ::infinity ( ) <<std ::endl;
/* Get the positive infinity value for
the int type ,
Output :
0 */}

The headers cmath , cfenv , and numbers

The header cmath, originates from theCstandard , where it is namedmath. It contains macros , and mathematical functions , that might be useful .

For example , it can be used to calculate floating point modulo , using the fmodfunction . Floating point modulo is not support by the modulo %operator .

It can also be used to calculate , logarithm , power , hypotenuse , sin , cos , tang … or for rounding , such as by using ceil, floor, or trunc... or for classifying a floating point number , such as , is it infinity , is it not a number ... or for extracting information from floating point numbers , such as , its fractional and non fractional parts ...

It also contains , some specialized mathematical functions , to calculate for example , exponential integral .

#include <iostream>
#include <cmath>

int main (void ){
std ::cout <<std ::fmod (3.1 , 1.1 ) <<std ::endl;
/* fmod provides modulo for floating point types .
fmod is overloaded , for float , double , and long
double .
3.1 is a double literal , hence the double
version is called .
Output :
0.9 */

std ::cout <<std ::log10 (2.0 ) <<std ::endl;
/* Calculate log10 of 2.0 , log10 is overloaded ,
for float , double , and long double arguments .
The double version is called , since 2.0 is
of the double type .
Output :
0.30103 */

std ::cout <<std ::pow (10.0 , std ::log10 (2.0 ) ) <<std ::endl;
/* Calculate 10.0 to the power of 0.30103 ,
which is equal to 2.0 .
The pow function is overloaded to accept
arguments of type float , double , and long
double .
Output :
2 */

std ::cout <<(std ::fpclassify (2.0 ) == FP_NORMAL ? "FP_NORMAL" : "Other" )
<<std ::endl;
/* Classify the floating point type returning an
integer , which can be one of the following :
indicates , that the floating
point value , is not denormalized or
0 , or infinite , or not a number .
indicates , that the floating point
value , is denormalized .
indicates , that the floating point
value is 0 .
indicates , that the floating point
value , is infinite .
indicates , that the floating point
value , is not a number .
Output :

double part_fractional { }; /* Initialize the double variable with 0 */
double part_nonFractional { }; /* Initialize the double variable with 0 */

part_fractional = std ::modf (1.31 , &part_nonFractional );
/* Call the modf function , which extracts
the fractional , and non fractional part
of a floating point number .
modf is overloaded , so it can operate ,
on double , and long double arguments .*/

std ::cout <<"1.31 = " <<part_nonFractional <<" + "
<<std ::endl;
/* Output :
1.31 = 1 + 0.31 */

std ::cout <<std ::expint (3 ) << std ::endl;
/* exponential integral has the formula of :
∫ from minus x to infinity of (1/t )
* e^-t dt
Output :
9.93383 .*/ }

Thecmathheader , also defines some macros. For example , it definesINFINITY, which represents positive infinity , andNAN, which represents not a number .

It also defines , the macro math_errhandling, which can be used to check how floating point functions , and operators , report errors .

Whenmath_errhandlinghas a value of the macro MATH_ERRNO, which evaluates to 1, then error reporting is done, by setting a value inside the global variable errno, which is part of the cerrnoheader .

Whenmath_errhandlinghas a value of the macro MATH_ERREXCEPT, which evaluates to 2, then error reporting is done , by checking exceptions usingfetestexcept, which is part of the cfenvheader .

Whenmath_errhandlinghas a value of MATH_ERREXCEPT|MATH_ERRNO, which evaluates to 3, then both methods are used to report errors.

Not all math library functions , support both error reporting mechanism . Some just support setting errno, others just support exceptions , some do not support any , some supports both error reporting mechanism .

When using the functions defined in thefenvheader , the directive#pragma STDC FENV_ACCESS ON, must be set , be it globally or locally .

To check for errors , and before performing any floating point operation , errnomust be set to 0, and all floating point exceptions must be cleared using feclearexcept (FE_ALL_EXCEPT );.

Once this is done , and after a floating point operation has been performed , if errnohas a non zero value or if fetestexcept (FE_ALL_EXCEPT );returns non zero , then this means that an error has occurred .

If fetestexcept (FE_INVALID ) returns non zero or if errno == EDOM, this means , that a function was provided an argument , which value is not acceptable , as in sqrt (-1 ). This type of error , is called a domain error.

Iffetestexcept (FE_DIVBYZERO ) returns non zero , or errno == ERANGE, then this means that an exact infinite value was gotten , for example 1 / 0.0. In thus case , the function returns HUGE_VAL, or HUGE_VALF, or HUGE_VALL, depending if it should return a double , a float or a long double . This kind of error is called a pole error.

Iffetestexcept (FE_OVERFLOW )returns non zero , or if errno == ERANGEthen the result is too large to be stored in the given floating point type , but is finite , for example exp (10000.0f ). This type of error is called overflow. The library function in such case returns one of HUGE_VAL,HUGE_VALFor HUGE_VALL, depending on if its return type is : double,floator long double .

Iffetestexcept (FE_UNDERFLOW )returns non zero , or if errno == ERANGE, then the result is too small to be stored in the destination type , even after rounding , where it becomes 0or subnormal , for example exp (-10000.0f ). Typically when underflow occurs, floating point functions returns 0.0.

Iffetestexcept (FE_INEXACT )returns non zero , then the result had to be rounded to fit in the destination type .

#include <iostream>
#include <cmath>
#include <cfenv>

/* Inform the compiler that
functions in the fenv header
will be used .*/

int main (void ){
double var_d { };

std ::cout <<math_errhandling
<<" . Error report mechanism is : math_errhandling \n";
/* Check which error reporting mechanism is set
for cmath library functions .
means errors are reported using the global
variable errno .
means errors are reported by checking for
means both methods can be used .
Output :
3 . Error report mechanism is : math_errhandling */

/* Clear errors before performing an operation */
feclearexcept (FE_ALL_EXCEPT );
errno = 0 ;

std ::cout << std ::boolalpha ;
/* Set cout to display boolean values
using true or false */

sqrt (- 1 );
/* Calculate the square root of -1 */

std ::cout <<(errno == EDOM ) << " | "
<<(fetestexcept (FE_INVALID ) != 0 )
<<std ::endl;
/* Check if EDOM or if FE_INVALID are set
true | true */

/* Clear errors before performing an operation */
feclearexcept (FE_ALL_EXCEPT );
errno = 0 ;

var_d = 1 / 0.0 ;

std ::cout <<(errno == ERANGE ) << " | "
<<(fetestexcept (FE_DIVBYZERO ) != 0 )
<<std ::endl;
/* Check if ERANGE or if FE_DIVBYZERO
are set
Output :
false | true */

/* Clear errors before performing an operation */
feclearexcept (FE_ALL_EXCEPT );
errno = 0 ;

exp (10000.0f );

std ::cout <<(errno == ERANGE ) << " | "
<<(fetestexcept (FE_OVERFLOW ) != 0 )
<< std ::endl;
/* Check if ERANGE or FE_OVERFLOW errors .
Output :
true | true */

/* Clear errors before performing an operation */
feclearexcept (FE_ALL_EXCEPT );
errno = 0 ;

exp (-10000.0f );
std ::cout <<(errno == ERANGE ) << " | "
<<(fetestexcept (FE_UNDERFLOW ) != 0 )
<< std ::endl;
/* Check for ERANGE and FE_UNDERFLOW errors .
Output :
true | true */}

In addition to usingFLT_ROUNDSfrom thecfloatheader , andround_stylefrom numeric_limits, in the limitsheader , to get the rounding mode , the header cfenv, provides the fegetroundmethod , to query for the rounding mode , and the function fesetround, to set the rounding mode.

fegetroundreturns an integer value , which map to one of the macrosFE_DOWNWARD, which means round towards negatives infinity ,FE_UPWARD, which means round towards positive infinity ,FE_TONEAREST, which means round towards the nearest value and on tie round towards the even value ,FE_TOWARDZERO, which means round toward 0.

fesetroundcan set the rounding mode using one ofFE_DOWNWARD,FE_UPWARD,FE_TONEAREST,FE_TOWARDZERO. It is only possible to query changes made to rounding mode using fegetroundand FLT_ROUNDS,round_styledoes not reflect changes made by fesetround. Not everything is affected by setting the rounding mode .

#include <iostream>
#include <cfenv>
#include <cmath>
#include <cfloat>
#include <limits>

int main (void ){

std ::cout <<std ::boolalpha <<std ::hexfloat;
/* Set output format for boolean to print
true and false , and for float to
hex float */

std ::cout <<"FE_TONEAREST : "
<<(fegetround ( ) == FE_TONEAREST ) <<std ::endl;
/* Output :
FE_TONEAREST : true */

std ::cout <<"0x1.000000p+0f : " <<0x1.000000p+0f <<std ::endl;
/* 1.0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 000 0
when rounding to nearest , will
round to
1.0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 000
Output :
0x1.000000p+0f : 0x1p+0 */

std ::cout <<"0x1.000001p+0f : " <<0x1.000001p+0f <<std ::endl;
/* 1.0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 000 1
when rounding to nearest , will
round to
1.0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 000
1.0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 000 1
is haflway between
1.0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 000
1.0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 001
rounding to nearest will round to
the even
choice which is
1.0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 000
Output :
0x1.000001p+0f : 0x1p+0 */

std ::cout <<"0x1.000002p+0f : " <<0x1.000002p+0f <<std ::endl;
/* 1.0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 001 0
when rounding to nearest will
round to
1.0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 001
Output :
0x1.000002p+0f : 0x1.000002p+0 */

std ::cout <<"0x1.000003p+0f : " <<0x1.000003p+0f <<std ::endl;
/* 1.0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 001 1
is haflway between
1.0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 001
1.0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 010
, hence rounding
to nearest will round to the even
choice , which is
1.0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 010
Output :
0x1.000003p+0f : 0x1.000004p+0 */

std ::cout <<std ::defaultfloat;
/* Set output format for float to be
defaultfloat */

std ::cout <<"round (1.5 ) : " <<round (1.5 ) <<std ::endl;
/* Rounding mode is FE_TONEAREST ,
round is not affected by the
rounding mode set by fesetround .
round (1.5 ) : 2 */

std ::cout <<"rint (1.5 ) : " <<rint (1.5 ) <<std ::endl;
/* Rounding mode is FE_TONEAREST ,
rint is affected by the rounding
mode set by fesetround .
rint (1.5 ) : 2 */

std ::cout <<"round (-1.5 ) : " <<round (-1.5 ) <<std ::endl;
/* Output
round (-1.5 ) : -2 */

std ::cout <<"rint (-1.5 ) : " <<rint (-1.5 ) <<std ::endl <<std ::endl;
/* Output
rint (-1.5 ) : -2 */

std ::fesetround (FE_DOWNWARD );
/* Set rounding mode to downward ,
towards negative infinity */

std ::cout <<"FE_DONWARD : "
<<(fegetround ( ) == FE_DOWNWARD ) <<std ::endl;
/* Output :
FE_DONWARD : true */

std ::cout <<"FLT_ROUNDS towards negative infinity : "
<<(FLT_ROUNDS == 3 )
<<std ::endl;
FLT_ROUNDS towards negative infinity : true */

std ::cout <<"round_style round to nearest : "
<<(std ::numeric_limits <double > ::round_style == 1 )
<<std ::endl;
/* round_style , does not reflect changes
made to rounding mode by fesetround
, hence this will output :
round_style round to nearest : true */

std ::cout <<std ::hexfloat;
/* Set output format for float to be
hex float */

std ::cout <<"0x1.000003p+0f : " <<0x1.000003p+0f <<std ::endl;
/* Output :
0x1.000003p+0f : 0x1.000004p+0 */

std ::cout <<std ::defaultfloat;
/* Set output format for float to be
defaultfloat */

std ::cout <<"round (1.5 ) : " <<round (1.5 ) <<std ::endl;
/* Rounding mode is FE_DONWARD
Output :
round (1.5 ) : 2 */

std ::cout <<"rint (1.5 ) : " <<rint (1.5 ) <<std ::endl;
/* Rounding mode is FE_DONWARD
Output :
rint (1.5 ) : 1 */

std ::cout <<"round (-1.5 ) : " <<round (-1.5 ) <<std ::endl;
/* Rounding mode is FE_DONWARD
Output :
round (-1.5 ) : -2 */

std ::cout <<"rint (-1.5 ) : " <<rint (-1.5 ) <<std ::endl <<std ::endl;
/* Rounding mode is FE_DONWARD
Output :
rint (-1.5 ) : -2 */

std ::fesetround (FE_UPWARD );
/* Set rounding mode to be upward
towards infinity */

std ::cout <<"FE_UPWARD : "
<<(fegetround ( ) == FE_UPWARD ) << std ::endl;
/* Output :
FE_UPWARD : true */

std ::cout <<std ::hexfloat;
/* Set output format for floating
points to hexfloat */

std ::cout <<"0x1.000003p+0f : " <<0x1.000003p+0f <<std ::endl;
/* Output
0x1.000003p+0f : 0x1.000004p+0 */

std ::cout << std::defaultfloat;
/* Set output format for floating points
to defaultfloat */

std ::cout <<"round (1.5 ) : " <<round (1.5 ) <<std ::endl;
/* Rounding mode is FE_UPWARD
Output :
round (1.5 ) : 2 */

std ::cout << "rint (1.5 ) : " << rint (1.5 ) << std ::endl;
/* Rounding mode is FE_UPWARD
Output :
rint (1.5 ) : 2 .*/

std ::cout << "round (-1.5 ) : " << round (-1.5 ) << std ::endl;
/* Rounding mode is FE_UPWARD
Output :
round (-1.5 ) : -2 */

std ::cout << "rint (-1.5 ) : " << rint (-1.5 ) << std ::endl <<std ::endl;
/* Rounding mode is FE_UPWARD
Output :
rint (-1.5 ) : -1 */

std ::fesetround (FE_TOWARDZERO );
/* Set rounding mode to downward
towards 0 */

std ::cout <<"FE_TOWARDZERO : "
<<(fegetround ( ) == FE_TOWARDZERO ) <<std ::endl;
/* Output :

std ::cout <<std ::hexfloat;
/* Set floating point output format
to hexfloat */

std ::cout <<"0x1.000003p+0f : " <<0x1.000003p+0f <<std ::endl;
/* Output :
0x1.000003p+0f : 0x1.000004p+0 */

std ::cout <<std ::defaultfloat;
/* Set floating point output format
to defaultfloat */

std ::cout <<"round (1.5 ) : " <<round (1.5 ) <<std ::endl;
/* Rounding mode is FE_TOWARDZERO
Output :
round (1.5 ) : 2 */

std ::cout <<"rint (1.5 ) : " <<rint (1.5 ) <<std ::endl;
/* Rounding mode is FE_TOWARDZERO
rint (1.5 ) : 1 */

std ::cout << "round (-1.5 ) : " << round (-1.5 ) << std ::endl;
/* Rounding mode is FE_TOWARDZERO
round (-1.5 ) : -2 */

std ::cout << "rint (-1.5 ) : " <<rint (-1.5 ) <<std ::endl <<std ::endl;
/* Rounding mode is FE_TOWARDZERO
rint (-1.5 ) : -1 */ }

The headernumberswas defined , as part of the C++20standard . The C++20standard , also introduces the concept of modules . Hence with C++20instead of using #include, as in #include <numbers>to include a header , one can use importas in import <numbers>;, to import modules .

Theheader numbers, just define some mathematical constants , which can be useful , such as pi, or Euler's number e. The type of these constant is double, but there is a template version of these constants ending with _v, such as pi_vor e_v.

#include <iostream>
#include <numbers>
/* In C++20 , one can use
import <numbers>;
as of march 2021 ,
it is not working yet .*/

int main (void ){
std ::cout <<std ::numbers ::pi
<<" : Pi as double"
<<std ::endl;
/* Output :
3.14159 : Pi as double */

std ::cout <<std ::numbers ::pi_v <long double >
<<" : Pi as long double"
<<std ::endl;
/* Output :
3.14159 : Pi as long double */

std ::cout <<std ::numbers ::sqrt2
<<" : square root of 2"
<<std ::endl;
/* Output :
1.41421 : square root of 2 */

std ::cout <<std ::numbers ::e
<<" : Euler's number"
<<std ::endl;
/* Output :
2.71828 : Euler's number */

std ::cout <<std ::numbers ::ln2
<<" : ln(2)"
<<std ::endl;
/* Output :
0.693147 : ln(2) */

std ::cout <<std ::numbers ::log2e
<<" : log2(e)"
<<std ::endl;
/* Output :
1.4427 : log2(e) */

std ::cout <<std ::numbers ::log10e
<<" : log10(e)"
<<std ::endl;
/* Output :
0.434294 : log10(e) */ }

Reading floats

cin from the standard library headeriostream, andscanffrom the standard library headercstdio, can be used for reading floating point numbers .

scanfuses format specifiers to read data .%fis used to read afloat, %lfto read adoublewherelmust be the smallcase ,%Lfis used to read a long double, whereLmust be capitalcase .scanfreads floating point numbers written in both the regular and scientific format .

#include <cstdio>

int main(void ){
float var_f { }; /* Initialize var_f to 0.0f */
double var_d { }; /* Initialize var_d to 0.0 */
long double var_lf { }; /* Initialize var_lf to 0.0l */

printf ("Enter a float : " );
scanf ("%f" , &var_f );
/* Read a float using %f format
specifier .*/
printf ("var_f is : %f \n" , var_f );
/* Print var_f using %f modifier */

printf ("Enter a double : " );
scanf ("%lf" , &var_d );
/* Read a double using %lf format
specifier .*/
printf ("var_d is : %f \n" , var_d );
/* Print var_d using %f */

printf ("Enter a long double : " );
scanf ("%Lf" , &var_lf );
/* Read a double using %Lf format
specifier .*/
printf ("var_lf is : %Lf \n" , var_lf );
/* Print var_lf using %Lf */ }

/* Example of running the program :
Enter a float : nan
var_f is : nan
Enter a double : inf
var_d is : inf
Enter a long double : -1.3e+12
var_lf is : -1300000000000.000000 */

cinis type aware , hence it is not necessary to use a format specifier . It can read floating point numbers , written in both regular , and scientific format , but it does not identify the special values inf, or NAN.

#include <iostream>

int main(void ){
using std ::cout;
using std ::cin;
using std ::endl;

float var_f { }; /* Initialize var_f to 0.0f */
double var_d { }; /* Initialize var_d to 0.0 */
long double var_lf { }; /* Initialize var_lf to 0.0l */

cout <<"Enter a float : ";
cin >>var_f;
/* cin is type aware , read a float
using cin .*/
cout <<"var_f is : " <<var_f <<endl;
/* Output var_f read value . */

cout <<"Enter a double : ";
cin >>var_d;
/* Read a double using cin .*/
cout <<"var_d is : " <<var_d <<endl;
/* Output the read value of var_d */

cout <<"Enter a long double : ";
cin >>var_lf;
/* Read a long double using cin .*/
cout <<"var_lf is : " <<var_lf <<endl;
/* Output the value of var_lf using
cout */ }

/* Example of running the program :
Enter a float : 1.3E-1
var_f is : 0.13
Enter a double : 1.3
var_d is : 1.3
Enter a long double : -1.4
var_lf is : -1.4 */

It is possible to get a floating point number from a string, by using one of the string header methods : stof,stodor stold.

#include <iostream>
#include <string>

int main (void ){
size_t numCharacters_Processed { };
/* initialize the number of characters
processed to 0 .*/

float var_f = std ::stof (" -inf" , &numCharacters_Processed );
/* Use stof , to get a float from a
string .
Pass the string to be converted ,
and the address of a variable , which
will be set to the number of characters
processed .
The same principle apply to stod
which gets a double , and stold
which gets a long double .*/
std ::cout <<var_f <<" : var_f , "
<<numCharacters_Processed <<" : characters processed \n";
/* Output :
-inf : var_f , 6 : characters processed */

numCharacters_Processed = 0;
double var_d = std ::stof ("1.0e12" , &numCharacters_Processed );
std ::cout <<var_d <<" : var_d , "
<<numCharacters_Processed <<" : characters processed \n";
/* Output :
1e+12 : var_d , 6 : characters processed */

numCharacters_Processed = 0;
long double var_ld = std ::stold ("nan" , &numCharacters_Processed );
std ::cout <<var_ld <<" : var_ld , "
<<numCharacters_Processed <<" : characters processed \n";
/* Output :
nan : var_ld , 3 : characters processed */ }

Operations involving NAN and inf

When the result of a floating point operation isNAN, which is not a number , then arithmetic operations involvingNAN, such as addition , or subtraction, result in NAN.

Comparison operations , such as <or ==, involving NAN, yields false , even if comparingNANwith NAN. The only exception is !=, which always yields true , when comparing NANto anything , even itself .

NANcan be gotten , when dividing0by 0, or when 0is multiplied by infinity , or when infinity is divided by infinity , or when subtracting infinities of the same sign , as in positive infinity , from positive infinity , or when adding infinities of the opposite sign .

#include <iostream>
#include <cmath>

int main (void ){

using std ::cout;
cout << std ::boolalpha;
/* Set output for boolean
values to be alpha , which
is true and false .*/

cout <<(NAN + 1 ) << "\n";
/* Arithmetic operations involving NAN
results in NAN .
Output :
NAN */

cout <<(NAN == 0.0 / 0.0 ) <<"\n";
/* Comparison operations involving
NAN always yields false , except
for != which always yield true .
Output :
false */}

Infinty can be gotten , when dividing a non zero value by 0, whereas dividing a number by infinity yields 0. Adding infinities of the same sign or with a number , result in infinities , subtracting infinities of opposite sign or with a number , result in infinities , multiplying infinty by an infinity , or by a number beside 0, yields infinity , dividing an infinity by a number , yields infinity .

#include <iostream>
#include <cmath>

int main (void ){
using std ::cout;

cout <<1 / 0.0 <<"\n";
/* Output :
inf */

cout <<(INFINITY + INFINITY ) <<"\n";
/* Output :
inf */

cout <<(1 / 0.0 - -1 / 0.0 ) <<"\n";
/* Output :
inf */

cout <<(INFINITY * INFINITY ) <<"\n";
/* Output :
inf */

cout <<(INFINITY / 0.0 ) <<"\n";
/* Output :
inf */ }

Originally published at https://difyel.com on March 1, 2021.



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