Antarah, the no remedy poem

mohamad wael
2 min readMar 11, 2023


In this poem, Antarah is talking to the reader, talking to Abella, the love of his life, showing his different subtle emotions, inner thoughts, feelings, to the different actions undertook by Abella, and he is talking to himself.

  • Abella looked, and his heart has no remedy.
  • She passed between beautiful women, he had this sickness, which he tried to hide, but by doing so, he actually showed it.
  • She passed in front of him, or maybe, it was just a thought reminiscence, he is just like a stick, blown by the wind.
  • She looked in a peaceful and a calm manner, he was so afraid for her; maybe there is something bad, a gazelle, in a desert, where there is no water.
  • She appeared, like a moon in a full sky, ornamented by the stars, he is so taken by her.
  • Smile she did, he is so taken by her, by the luster of pearls showing from her mouth, healing the sickness of a lover, she is beside reproach.
  • Glorifying god, she is glorified by all the great lords.
  • He is crying for her, crying for her love, in despair this gives him hope.
  • He ends the poem with happiness, destiny, vim, and contempt.

Throw she did, into the heart, a beautiful virgin, with the back of her eyes, arrows, of no remedy

Passed she did, beautiful women, like the sun, gazelle eyes, a festival

Went, through me, a Sickness, hid, hiding, broadcasted

Came up she did, said a stick, south, east, moved by wind

Calm and peaceful she looked, said, a gazelle, panicked, midst desert, a calamity

Appeared, she did, said, Full moon in the sky, ornamented by the stars

Smile, luster of pearls, healing a lover sickness

Bent, glorifying her God, Majesty, swayed by you our great lords

Oh Abella, oh your love, oh despair, oh hope

Oh me, oh happiness, oh destiny, oh vim, oh contempt

And here is the original Arabic text:

رَمَتِ الفُؤَادَ مَليحَةٌ عَذْراءُ
بِسِهَامِ لَحْظٍ ما لَهُنَّ دَواءُ

مَرَّت أَوانَ العيدِ بَينَ نَواهِدٍ
مِثلِ الشُموسِ لِحاظُهُنَّ ظِباءُ

فَاغتالَني سَقَمي الَّذي في باطِني
أَخفَيتُهُ فَأَذاعَهُ الإِخفاءُ

خَطَرَت فَقُلتُ قَضيبُ بانٍ حَرَّكَت
أَعطافٌهُ بَعدَ الجَنوبِ صَباءُ

وَرَنَت فَقُلتُ غَزالَةٌ مَذعورَةٌ
قَد راعَها وَسْطَ الفَلاةِ بَلاءُ

وَبَدَت فَقُلتُ البَدْرُ لَيلَةَ تِمِّهِ
قَد قَلَّدَتْهُ نُجومَها الجَوزاءُ

بَسَمَت فَلاحَ ضِياءُ لُؤلُؤِ ثَغرِها
فيهِ لِداءِ العاشِقينَ شِفاءُ

سَجَدَت تُعَظِّمُ رَبَّها فَتَمايَلَت
لِجَلالِها أَربابُنا العُظَماءُ

يا عَبْلَ مِثلَ هَواكِ أَو أَضْعافَهُ
عِنْدي إِذا وَقَعَ الإِياسُ رَجاءُ

إِن كانَ يُسعِدُني الزَمانُ فَإِنَّني
في هِمَّتي لِصُروفِهِ إِزْراءُ

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