Android GridView a tutorial

mohamad wael
6 min readMar 11, 2021


A GridViewis simply a grid of views , it is a subclass of AbsListView, so the methods and fields defined for AbsListView, apply to a GridView. Another subclass of AbsListViewis Listview.

This tutorial will show how to create a GridView, the final product is shown below .

Start by defining the layout of the MainActivity activity_main.xml , which contains a single child , the GridView:

<!-- activity_main.xml in the layout folder .-->

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<FrameLayout xmlns:android=""

android:padding="8dp" >


Theandroid:stretchModeattribute is related to the remaining space , and is used to specify how the remaining available space is divided . By default it has a value of android:stretchMode="columnWidth", which is columns will be equally stretched . If set to android:stretchMode="none", then the remaining space is not stretched , if set to spacingWidth, then the remaining space is stretched equally between columns , if set to spacingWidthUniform, then the remaining space is divided equally around and between the columns .

Theandroid:numColumnsattribute is used to specify the number of columns . If set to android:numColumns="auto_fit", and no android:columnWidthattribute is set , then the number of columns is set to 2. If set to android:numColumns="auto_fit"andandroid:columnWidthis set to a value , as in android:columnWidth="20dp", then the number of column is calculated based on the available remaining space , while guarding the set horizontal spacing , in other words , factoring out horizontal spacing .

If the number of columns is set , then it is the set number of columns . If the number of columns is not set or is set to a negative value , then it is set to 1.

android:stretchModeis always applied as specified , so for example , setting a number of column , and no column width , if the stretchModeis set to columnWidth, then the available space , factoring out any horizontal spacing , is divided evenly between the set number of columns .

Horizontal spacing between columns , and vertical spacing between rows , can be set using android:horizontalSpacing, and android:verticalSpacing.

Theandroid:listSelectoris used to specify an effect , when an item in the grid is selected . In this example , a drawable android:listSelector="@drawable/grid_item_selected"has been specified as the effect , which is setting the background color to orange . The drawable has been defined in the drawable folder , and has the following code :

<!-- grid_item_selected.xml in the drawable folder .-->    

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<selector xmlns:android="">
<item android:state_pressed="true"

Having defined the GridViewand its attributes , the layout for an item in the GridViewmust be defined , as follows :

<!-- grid_item.xml in the layout folder .-->     

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>

android:background="@android:color/black" />

android:textSize="16sp" />

Having defined the layout for an item , a controller must be created , to manage the items of a GridView, as for example , their creation , and data connection . This is done by extending the BaseAdapterclass , as follows :

/* */

package com.twiserandom.mobileapps.demo.gridview;

import android .content .Context;

import android .view .View;
import android .view .ViewGroup;

import android .widget .BaseAdapter;
import android .widget .ImageView;
import android .widget .TextView;

public class
extends BaseAdapter {

private int image_ids [ ] = {R .drawable .img_001_forest , R .drawable .img_002_mountain ,
R .drawable .img_003_mountain_close_view ,
R .drawable .img_004_mountain_sea ,
R .drawable .img_005_sea_sand };
private String image_label [ ] = {"Forest" , "Mountain" ,
"Mountain Close View" ,
"Mountain Sea",
"Sea Sand" };
private Context context;

(Context context ){
this .context = context; }

class Image {
String image_name;
int image_id;

(String image_name , int image_id ){
this .image_name = image_name ;
this .image_id = image_id ; } }

public int
( ){/* Return the data
Count */
return image_ids .length ; }

public Object
(int position ){/* Return an object
representing the data at the
given position , to be retrieved
later on , for example when
handling click events . Can
return null , if have nothing
to pass on .*/
return new Image (image_label [position ] , image_ids [position ] );}

public long
(int position ){/* Can return -1 , or 0 ,
if do not have own ids to pass on .
If have own generated identifiers ,
they can be passed here , to be retrieved
later on , for example when handling
click events .*/
return image_ids [position ]; }

public View
(int position , View convertView , ViewGroup parent ){/*
Return an item's View .*/

if (convertView == null ){/* Views are recyclable , so
this means they are reusable , so only inflate
a view if it is not null .*/
convertView = View .inflate (context , R .layout .grid_item , null ); }

ImageView ivPhoto = convertView .findViewById (R .id .ivPhoto );
ivPhoto .setImageResource (image_ids [position ] );

TextView tvLabel = convertView .findViewById (R .id .tvLabel );
tvLabel .setText (image_label [position ] );

return convertView; } }

Now it is time to create the MainActivityclass , in the MainActivity.javafile . This class will connect the controller to the GridView, and it will set an OnItemClickListener, for the GridView.

/* */

package com .twiserandom .mobileapps .demo .gridview;

import androidx .appcompat .app .AppCompatActivity;

import android .os .Bundle;

import android .view .View;

import android .widget .AdapterView;
import android .widget .GridView;
import android .widget .Toast;

public class
extends AppCompatActivity {

protected void
(Bundle savedInstanceState ){
super .onCreate (savedInstanceState );
setContentView (R .layout .activity_main );

GridView gridView = findViewById (R .id .gridView );
gridView .setAdapter (new GridView_Controller (this ) ); /* Connect
the controller to the GridView .*/
gridView .setOnItemClickListener (new AdapterView .OnItemClickListener ( ){
public void
(AdapterView parent , View view , int position , long id ){
GridView_Controller .Image image =
(GridView_Controller .Image ) parent .getItemAtPosition (position );/*
Get the attached data .*/
Toast .makeText (MainActivity .this ,
image .image_name + " " + id , Toast.LENGTH_LONG )
.show ( ); /* Show
a toast , containing the attached data ,
and the generated ID .*/ } });}}

Originally published at on March 11, 2021.



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